Giá trước đây: 1,999,000 - Tiết kiệm 25%
  • Bảo hành: 0 tháng
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Hotline: 19002074 Ấn Phím 6
Aesthetic design and water-proof exterior.
High-end metal shoulder strap adjusters.
Big compartments on both sides with pockets and straps inside for advanced convenience.
Comfortable and adjustable shoulder straps make carrying the bag imperceptible.





MSI Adeona Backpack
MSI Adeona Backpack
MSI Adeona Backpack
Bảo hành 0 tháng
Aesthetic design and water-proof exterior.
High-end metal shoulder strap adjusters.
Big compartments on both sides with pockets and straps inside for advanced convenience.
Comfortable and adjustable shoulder straps make carrying the bag imperceptible.





MSI Adeona Backpack
MSI Adeona Backpack
MSI Adeona Backpack
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